When will my order be shipped?
Usually, we provide the shipping on the next business day from the purchase date.
How will I be notified when my order is shipped?
Once you place your order, no additional action is needed on your side. You will be notified by our carrier by email, as soon as your order ships. This email will include your details, as well as tracking information (airway bill number or AWB) from the carrier.
Can I modify my order?
Yes. Orders can be updated for a limited time (within 12 hours) of placing the order. Do note, that any cancellations or modification can be made only during this time.
Once the order has shipped and you’ve been issued an airway bill (AWB) tracking number via email, you will need to contact the carrier directly for any delivery-related instructions.
If for any reason, you would like to change/update your shipping address after receiving the AWB number, please contact our support team at support@recharge.health immediately. An additional fee will be charged for these changes.
What if there are import duties to pay in my country or shipping address?
As a part of our desire to deliver a great customer experience, we have that covered for you! Recharge ships all products under DDP terms (Delivery Duty Paid) so we take care of any shipping duties levied anywhere in the world.
Is shipping insurance included in the product price?
Yes, it is, our products are insured against loss until they have been handed by the carrier to you (the buyer) or end customer. Once a product has been received, the insurance is no longer valid.